Vision & Values
Mission Statement
To advance the highest level of research, recovery and residual care for brain injured adults and to provide their families with resources and support
Our Commitment
To provide education, high quality services and programs along with medical referrals for adults suffering from traumatic brain injury.
Organizational Values
1. Empathy and understanding for survivors of Brain Injury
2. Use of proven and creative methodologies in treatment
3. Persistence in seeking diagnosis and solutions
4. Respect for those unable to care for themselves
5. Education and emotional support of families as a key to recovery
6. Excellence in every relationship and task
7. Competency of leadership and staff
Message from Sue Rueb, Founder
I am constantly trying to look at life through the lens of a brain injured person. What is it like to see pictures of people having fun? How does it feel when you are unable to say even your own name? How does one find help amidst the tangled web of assistance for brain injury? Confusion, frustration and anger are emotions that can strangle a brain injured person daily. Learning to accept reality, finding someone to talk to who offers understanding and having a strong faith in God are some ways that I believe can help pull the brain injured person through the days of loss. B.R.A.I.N. exists to come along side and help the brain injured individual.