EVERY 21 seconds someone in the U.S. suffers a brain injury. Help us help the many.
Brain Rehabilitation And Injury Network, B.R.A.I.N., is a non-profit organization that recognizes the devastation that brain injury can bring to an individual and the circle of family and friends. The individual stories of those with brain injuries are valued and listened to at B.R.A.I.N.
We believe that those stories need to be retold and highlighted so that those with a brain injury can get the resources and help they need to cope with the challenges that are the uninvited, yet persistent guests of the brain injured. Whether your loved one has sustained a head injury through a fall, an auto or motorcycle accident, an imbalanced brain chemistry, a lack of oxygen, or something as random as a mosquito bite, you know the difficulty of getting timely and appropriate care.
B.R.A.I.N.’s mission is to advance research, recovery and residual care for adults. Our future plans are to build a facility that will provide an environment for those with a brain injury to enhance a lifestyle of healthy brain activity.
Our mission is big and so is our desire to engage many partners in this noble effort. Please join us in raising financial help for those who find it hard to think clearly for themselves. With your help we will begin the task of developing a first class facility for those with brain injuries. A full orbed, thoroughly researched treatment program will be necessary to assist the clients of B.R.A.I.N. to improve and thrive.
We welcome every donation with deepest gratitude and a sense of accountability. B.R.A.I.N. is a 501c3 organization so every gift is tax deductible.