The Brain Cells Program is a One-On-One Friendship Involving a Brain Injury Survivor and a Volunteer. The program was born as a result of numerous requests from the families/caregivers of brain-injured individuals who felt that their survivor, with little or no stimulation, began to regress while the caregiver was at work each day.
A female volunteer is matched with a female survivor by virtue of mutual interests and background. The volunteer befriends the survivor and comes to know the various challenges/frustrations the survivor faces and then helps her formulate a plan to set goals and attain them. The same type of friendship is arranged for male volunteers with male survivors.
The coordinator monitors the friendship by a process of monthly reporting. The volunteer must agree to contact his/her survivor at least weekly via email or phone and at least twice a month in person for coffee or an outing of some type. All volunteers must go through Live Scan fingerprinting and have a current driver’s license and insurance card on file with the coordinator. The organization asks that the commitment be for at least one year (or one school year).
If you’re interested in learning more about Brain Cells, please contact Joan Jensen, Brain Cells Coordinator, at or call 714-717-3148